Issue: 2025/Vol.35/No.2, Pages


Mostafijur Rahaman , Rakibul Haque , Soheil Salahshour, Anna Sobczak, Fariba Azizzadeh, Shariful Alam , Sankar Prasad Mondal 

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This is not yet the definitive version of the paper. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article.

Cite as: M. Rahaman, R. Haque, S. Salahshour, A. Sobczak, F. Azizzadeh, S. Alam, S. P. Mondal. Solution of an uncertain EPQ model using the neutrosophic differential equation approach. Operations Research and Decisions 2025: 35(2). DOI 10.37190/ord250203

Time is a very crucial factor in controlling demand patterns for certain products. In manufacturing processes, the production rate must be regulated according to the demand pattern and available stock as part of effective lot size management policies. We incorporate this fundamental idea for constructing the production rate as a function of demand and stock, which is the primary contribution of this paper. Predicting demand patterns and adjusting the production rate inherently involve vagueness. We use neutrosophic logic, an advanced mathematical tool for addressing imprecision in decision planning. Neutrosophic calculus-based analysis of uncertainty involved with the proposed model is the secondary contribution in this paper. Numerical results indicate that the proposed approach yields superior results compared to the crisp environment and traditional neutrosophic approaches for cost minimization. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Case 1 of the proposed Neutrosophic Differential Approach guarantees better results than Case 2.

Keywords: EPQ model with deterioration, time impacted demand, neutrosophic ruled uncertainty, triangular neutrosophic numbers, neutrosophic differential equation, neutrosophic derivative

Received: 8 May 2024    Accepted: 3 January 2025
Published online: 8 February 2025