Issue: 2022/Vol.32/No.1, Pages 111-126
Mahdi Nasrollahi, Javaneh Ramezani
, Mahmoud Sadraei
, Mohammad Reza Fathi
Cite as: M. Nasrollahi, J. Ramezani, M. Sadraei, M. R. Fathi. Simultaneous interpretive structural modelling and weighting (SISMW). Operations Research and Decisions 2022: 32(1), 111-126. DOI 10.37190/ord220106
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods have been implemented in many fields. In the meantime, several methods have been proposed to obtain the weight of the criteria that each method determines the importance of each criterion in a different way. In this paper, a new approach, called simultaneous interpretive structural modelling and weighting (SISMW), is proposed to solve a multi-criterion decision-making (MCDM) problem. Using SISMW, the weight of the criteria and the relationship between them will be determined simultaneously. In this approach, like the ISM method, pair comparison between criteria is made by the decision-maker to determine the relationships among the different criteria. With the help of these data, the weight of the criteria, as well as the causal (cause and effect) relationships between them, will be determined in 12 steps. The main advantage of this method is that only one stage of data collection is required to obtain weights and modelling, and so the research process will be faster. This will increase the reliability of the collected data because, in a one-step survey, the impact of time is minimised. This process can be useful for conceptualising and developing theories to help decision-makers understand the problem better.
Keywords: SISMW, MCDM, criteria, modelling, weighting
Received: 24 February 2021 Accepted: 10 January 2022