Issue: 2013/Vol.23/No.3, Pages 35-42
Helena Lindskog, Staffan Brege Jain
, Per-Olof Brehmer
Cite as: H. Lindskog, S. B. Jain, P. Brehmer. Conflicts in public procurement. Operations Research and Decisions 2013: 23(3), 35-42. DOI 10.5277/ord130303
During the last couple of years, there has been a tendency to include more and more political goals into public procurements, such as environmental and societal considerations. This can result in higher prices paid by the public sector compared with similar procurements in the private sector. The decision makers at local level are elected and should represent the interest of their communities and voters, which includes promoting regional/local companies and economic development. This task can sometimes get into conflict with public procurement law or the political goals of a central government.
Keywords: public procurement, political goals, costs, public administration, European Union
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